Taiwan earthquake causes tsunami warnings

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) says that near the coastline of Southeast Taiwan, a 6.9-magnitude earthquake has caused tsunami waves that could be hazardous.

During the quake, which was at a depth of 10 kilometers, the earthquake hit Chishang township, which was located in rural southeastern Taiwan.

There were photos of collapsed buildings in southern Taiwan following the powerful earthquake.After initially registering it at 7.2, the USGS downgraded it to 6.9.

Miyako Island in the East China Sea was warned about a tsunami by Japan's Meteorological Agency, but the warning was later removed.

Three people are trapped under the rubble of one building, the island's official Central News Agency (CNA) reports.There was a fourth person rescued.

The Taiwan Railway Administration said about 20 passengers were evacuated after a train derailed in the area, but there were no injuries.

Tsai Ing-wen activated Taiwan's Central Emergency Operation Center after the earthquake.In a recorded statement, Tsai warned Taiwanese residents to stay alert for aftershocks.

As part of disaster relief efforts, Taiwan's defense ministry has deployed about 110 soldiers to Hualien county, along the island's eastern coast.